ALFS Welfare Fund and its donation recipients:
ALFS member-countries work as a team to conduct various charity events throughout the year.
These proceeds, along with the generous donations from our supporters are divided equally among the bazaar-participating countries to be used to enhance women’s well-being and to support education towards children in need.

Natural Disaster Relief Fund:
ALFS provides financial assistance to member countries that have been hit by natural disasters, such as flooding, typhoons and earthquakes. The disaster-hit country may seek for such assistance by submitting a request form to the Natural Disaster Relief Fund Committee.
Member countries are entitled to one request per fiscal year, with each donation amount being JPY300,000. Further donations are made towards massive disasters, respectively.
In order to commence each fiscal year with a total of 3million yen for this Fund, we set aside necessary amount from the proceeds of our charity events as well as the generous donation received from our supporters.
- 2020年7月:
- インド(洪水)
- July 2020:
- India (Flooding)
- 2020年7月:
- 日本・熊本県(令和2年7月豪雨)
- July 2020:
- Japan・Kumamoto Pref.(Heavy Rain)
- 2020年7月:
- 中華人民共和国(洪水)
- July 2020:
- People’s Republic of China(Flooding)
Review of Activities:
Activities conducted during Sept. 1, 2019 - Aug. 31, 2020
- 2019年10月9日(水):
- 定時総会
- Oct.9 (Wed) :
- Annual General Meeting (AGM)
- 2019年11月11日(月):
- チャリティーゴルフ大会(程ヶ谷カントリー倶楽部)
- Nov.11 (Mon) :
- Charity Golf Tournament at Hodogaya Country Club
- 2019年11月29日(金):
- 文化交流会(インド大使館)
- Nov.29 (Fri) :
- Cultural Meeting at the Embassy of India in Japan
- 2019年12月5日(木):
- 遠足(東京藝術大学)
- Dec.5 (Thur) :
- Day Trip to Tokyo University of the Arts
- 2020年1月30日(木):
- 新年会(明治記念館)
- Jan.30 (Thur) :
- New Year’s Party at Meiji Kinenkan
- 2020年4月9日(木):
- ラッフル抽選会 2020
- Apr.9 (Thur) :
- Raffle-ticket Draw 2020